No event would be complete without our volunteers. We are looking for bodies to help with all sorts of tasks – for some of the tasks, no experience with agility is required at all!
We are running 3 rings. For each of those rings we require a ring chief, course builders, a minimum of 4 bar setters, scribe, assistant scribe, scribe runner, timer and gatekeeper. We need people to help set up the rings on site before the event. We need people to help tear down the rings after the event. We need personnel on site to attend to clean up, fetching and carrying. We need helpers to work the check-in desk to welcome the competitors, check dog ID cards, hand out information. We need hospitality workers to man the food stations, ensure all the workers and judges are fed and watered. Most of these tasks can not be carried out by competitors and require volunteers dedicated to that task. However, some tasks can – like setup and tear down before the Championship rounds begin. All help will be gratefully received! Volunteers will all be compensated in some way. Their help will not go unrecognized. All volunteers will be provided with unlimited drinks and snacks throughout the day as well as lunch.
Here follows a short description of some of the key roles:
Ring Crew
- Timer – Presses the “GO” button. Not as easy as it sounds. Must have experience!
- Scribe – Writes down all the judge’s signals and records a time. Must have experience.
- Gate – Needs to be able to shout loudly! Calls competitors to the ring. Announces jump height changes.
- Score runner – Runs the scribe sheets to the scorekeepers.
- Ring Chief – aka “Lord of the Rings”. Oversees all ring crew and course builders. Their word is sacrosanct.
- Bar Setter – Not to be confused with Gordon. Sets jump bars at the correct height, resets fallen bars, monitors tunnel positions, changes A-frame height.
- Course Builder – As you might suspect, builds courses at the end of the class ready for the next one.
Join Our Team!
Signup to help using the form button on the right.